Jumat, 24 Januari 2014


SWOT ANALYSIS is one of many kind of analysis technique in order to analyze a problem or subject. This method specially used for describe the problem into the 4 section. There are Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat

Strenght is the power and potency of the subject. The Strenght section describe the main power of the subject that can affect the others section.
Weakness is the blind spot of the subject. It's contain the main problem that can decrease the value or power oh the subject.
Opportunity is a potency that can improve the subject. The potency can became a benefit or profit.
Threat is opposite of the opportunity. It can became a trouble or problem for the subject.

The conclution is,, that SWOT analysis is devided by 2 main section. The first is Internal Section, that include Strength and Weakness. The second is External Section that include Opportunity and Threat.
The first section is about strength and weakness of the internal sucject, the second one is for the opportunity and threat of the external element.

                      INTERNAL      EXTERNAL
                          /    \            /    \
                  S     W         O     T

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